Comminity Fitness Programs / Classes


Fitness banner image
Did you know getting at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week can lead to improved fitness, strength and mental health? It's easy to get fit in your community; from aerobics, yoga, dance and muscle conditioning, we have something for everyone. Choose your favourite activity or mix it up. Find your fitness formula.

150 Minutes of Exercise per week Image

Take advantage of various class passes/packages and pay-as-you-go (drop-in) options.
Contact us for for any queries. Participants are advised to consult a doctor before enrolling in any fitness program.

Our prices are so affordable so that many can join and enjoy the benefits of living healthy.

These are the communities we are due to teach at:


Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
5.30 pm- 6.30 pm
North Beach, opposite Mini Town (on the grass or beach)
Cost- R 25 per lady per session
Cash payment before the lessons.
You may buy lessons in bulk eg. 10 lessons @ R 250

Bring: bottle water, towel, cap
Wear: tights or leggings and a top / t-shirt

Fill in the application form below and we will contact you.

061 471 7125