Monday, July 13, 2015

New Open Spaces

We are in the process of applying for various open spaces to use. These spaces will be the home of new groups and we expand. Each space should be able to accommodate 200 ladies per session. Areas of focus are Umhlanga, Pinetown and Umlazi. Update will be posted to keep you all informed with our progress.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Food before Excercise

Before: Whole Wheat Toast with Sliced Banana and Cinnamon

When it comes to gearing up for workout, carbs are your gym BFF. The key is to have a mixed bag of complex and simple ones so that the release of energy during your workout is slow and steady throughout your routine. Whole-wheat toast with fruit gives you both types of carbs with the bonus of being super easy to digest.

Complex carbs will keep your motor humming, while the fruit adds an extra kick of energy. For those training for a race, bananas are perfect in raising potassium levels, which drop when you sweat a lot. For an added bonus, add a dash of cinnamon. The spice has been linked to stabilizing blood sugar and improving brain function.

Great before excercising snacks!

An hour before a workout, eat around 45 grams of carbs with a small amount of protein:
  • Half a slice of whole wheat bread with one tablespoon crunchy peanut butter
  • Some crackers with an ounce of cheese
  • Quarter cup of sliced grapes mixed into half a cup of cottage cheese
  • Fruit smoothie made with soy milk
  • Quarter cup of blueberries mixed with half a cup of yogurt
If you have less time, 15 to 30 minutes before your workout, eat about 25 grams of carbs:
  • Small banana
  • A few crackers
  • Handful of raisins
  • Applesauce
If you skip out on a snack altogether, be sure to at least hydrate with some water.

What to eat before cardio?

Morning Workouts

Your body burns calories and nutrients while you sleep. If you work out first thing in the morning, you’ll need a bit of refreshment first. We recommend you eat a carb-loaded snack about 20 minutes before your workout. Between 75 and 100 percent of your snack should be composed of carbs. If you plan on exercising for more than 40 minutes, add some protein to your snack and give yourself at least an hour to digest it.

Early Snacks

We recommend eating a single piece of fruit such as a banana, orange or apple. You might also snack on carrot sticks or chug a glass of juice or a sports drink. If you’re aiming for a long cardio session, add some yogurt, an egg, a slice of cheese or a small piece of meat -- this protein will help power you through a longer workout.


Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
5.30 pm- 6.30 pm
North Beach, opposite Mini Town (on the grass or beach)
Cost- R 25 per lady per session
Cash payment before the lessons.
You may buy lessons in bulk eg. 10 lessons @ R 250

Bring: bottle water, towel, cap
Wear: tights or leggings and a top / t-shirt

Fill in the application form below and we will contact you.

061 471 7125